Jill and I spent two hours this morning on the phone, she in Wisconsin, me in Ohio, as she led me through the trials and tribulations of adding templates to my blog page. Finally! Pay dirt. We got it right. I think it looks great. Comments welcome. Thanks, Jill. She is my go-to daughter when it comes to computers, new technology, and any other gadget that came out after 1990, including working the television remote when we first got Warner Cable. I used to call her at work - back when she worked at the Dispatch - and she would walk me through the steps to get the TV back on after it went out for whatever reason.I told her not to get married and move out of the house.Children. Adult children. Especially daughters. They're worth their weight in gold. And I mean that, girls...And grandchildren...don't get me started on what they're worth! Hope you like the site.
It's been so long since I've written a blog I'm not sure anyone will even come by. But if you do, know that I appreciate your reading. I was cleaning some files and found this Christmas poem I wrote years ago. So I'm recycling my work again. I love writing but have spent the last five months reading, reading, reading, hoping that by reading all sorts of different genres that my own writing will improve. I have to admit though when I get into a good/great story, I sink in and my writer self takes a leave of absence. I'm still working on the novel about Sweet Baby James, a baby abduction. Hoping I'm making the story stronger than any I've yet written. So here's my poem. Enjoy! Have a lovely beginning to your Christmas season and God Bless! THE RED CHRISTMAS CANE I was walking around on an old cane that year Grumping and complaining that the holidays were here. I looked out my window and as far as I could see There were lights, stars, and ang...
Barb, (have trouble calling you that because that's Mrs. Albrecht, but I'll try) your blog is wonderful and I'm so impressed. I love that I and can "hear" you in each of your postings. Good for you for doing this, you and your family and friends will treasure it. I don't know how to become and official follower, so this will have to do. Love to Raymond and the girls!!
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend, Gail. Don't know if you'll ever get on here again but I hope so. I would love to have an email hearing how you and the family are doing. I MISS you. I'm hoping to use this as a springboard for the story I'm writing. You know, start each morning blogging and then I'll come up with some witty and brilliant prose for my beloved characters. R and I are hooked on A. Idol so tonight is the night. Have to run. Love you.
ReplyDeleteThanks mom... I'm so glad that we found a background that you like. It's funny, like Gail said- I can 'hear' you as I'm reading your words. Love you both, and miss you lots!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you my wonderful daughter Jill. I love you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you have your daughter helping you with your blog. I have three boys, my youngest and oldest are computer whizzes:) But they don't have blogs, so I know more about blogs than they do. If you like, visit me at my blogs, I have two, one on writing and one about my everyday life.