Today when I was doing yoga to Rodney Yee’s AM yoga tape, I was reminded of how much yoga is like writing. You have to keep focused on the yoga movements or the exercise doesn’t work. When writing you have to keep your focus on the words or it doesn’t make sense. Let your mind wander and you’ve lost the writing thread. You know how hard it is to pick up a thread from the carpet. Try picking up a story once you've "dropped" it for awhile. Yoga is an exercise of the body and mind. Writing is an exercise of the mind and soul. When I sit down to write if I don’t keep my focus on my characters and my plot I won’t be able to get the two going in the same direction. AND there’s trouble when plot and character do not work together. The story is out of balance. Your job is to create harmony. And when they DO work together it’s a miracle, a melodious symphony. When sitting in seated meditation it takes willpower to focus on my breath. I use that time to be thankful and grateful. T...
"All the characters who have housed my stories now have permanent apartments in my head - I still have tea with them." bw