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The passing of Charlotte

How could I write anything today without telling you that my sweet niece Charlotte passed away this morning, during the quiet hours before dawn. She leaves behind two adult sons, their wives, and four young grand children.

She endured a pancreas transplant and bowel removal two years ago at Univ. of Minneapolis. I stayed with her there for two weeks and some days it was touch and go.

She never fully recovered and never again ate a meal she could enjoy.

Approximately six weeks ago, she had a transplant of stomach, bowel, and all the digestive system at Georgetown, Univ. One of 12 such transplants in the world. I've decided it's better not to be among those numbers.

While it's the end of her pain and suffering it's the beginning for our family and her husband, John. She was such a dynamic and beautiful person both inside and out. A raven haired beauty with blue eyes that snapped with emotions, whether she was happy or sad. She never lost her West Virginia accent or her goodness while living around the world.

Now, she'll come home to her final resting place in the mountains of West Virginia where she'll be among family and friends.

Today, this Memorial Day as we pay respects to those who are no longer with us, let us remember to love the ones who stand beside us. It's the best we can do each day of our lives.



  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Barb. Please know that we are thinking of you and your family at this sad time. Hope all is well with you and your girls. Please give them my regards.

  2. What a wonderful tribute. I am sorry for your loss.

  3. I am so sorry! Prayers for the healing of your family.

  4. I am so sorry, Barbara. I pray for her family in their time of sorrow.

  5. She was obviously a very brave person to undergo such extraordinary surgeries. She is no doubt a jewel for what she taught the many doctors and medical professionals who served her, that will enable them to treat other seriously ill people. May she rest in peace and may her family find peace.

  6. Thanks for all the lovely comments. It's been hard. I'm with Pam, her sister, writing the obit. A kind of writing I certainly never intended to do.


  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. May you find peace in the gathering of loved ones.

  8. I'm sorry to read about this. You paint a beautiful portrait of her with this post.

  9. My condolences to all the family. I'm so sorry that she had to suffer so. She is at peace now. May God give you strength and comfort through this time.

  10. Very sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers.

  11. Love to you and to Charlotte! Kim xxxxxxx

  12. So sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers for all to find peace and understanding in such a difficult time.


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