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Romance is in the air with free book.....

In honor of Valentine's Day my short story, Dear Anne: Love Letters from Nam is free on Amazon from February 13- 17th. Hope you'll get your free copy. I'd appreciate hearing from you after you read it. Or leave a review on Amazon, which is even better. It actually helps sales. And sales for my books this winter have been almost non existent.  The review can be as little as a sentence or two to let me and other readers know how you liked the story.

Writing is a lonely profession and any feedback is always appreciated. I've been hard at work on finishing the current novel and editing is taking WAY longer than I'd ever planned. That's what happens when one is a perfectionist. Any job takes twice as long because we do a lot of second guessing and downright worrying over every phrase. With this novel, since it's told from several points of view, I've had issues with the time line. At last, I believe I have all those issues ironed out. 

While the weather in Ohio has been fairly mild this winter, I've still had a bit of depression and have to make myself go out on days when the temps are in the teens. However, the weather that's kept me inside has given me the time to work. 

Today it was 60 and a shock to the system. I walked around our neighborhood with a neighbor and enjoyed seeing birds at feeders and bits of green grass. There was even a hint of spring in the air. I know. It's too early. But still I'm thankful for any small indication that warmer weather is just ahead. I love all the colors and smells that come with spring. Grape hyacinths, lilies of the valley, red and yellow tulips. Easter lilies. I'm so ready. How about you. Are you tired of dreary days or are you finding lots of things to keep you busy? Would love to hear from you. Here's to an early spring filled with delightful scents and lots of bright colors.


  1. I will try and get the book. I have a kindle fire. If I do I shall read and write about it.
    I hope that the New Year brings to you best of things that life has to offer.
    Sales of books are generally on the low side anyway. With the advent of Social Media people are not reading as much specially younger generation. A good book is good no matter what the times are like.


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