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Ezra and Other Stories




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Author: Barbara A. Whittington

Curl up in an easy chair and enjoy the romance, suspense, and humor in this collection of short stories. Here’s just a sampling: in award winning “Mabel and the Garage Sale,” Mabel’s house rests in the path of a proposed highway. As Mabel sorts her things to move, she recalls those colorful characters who’ve passed through her life. She’s survived the Bible salesman, and “Spook” Lanham. Even her son, Jackie Lee's, father! Now - a new, rich, romantic prospect shows up at her garage sale. Will she accept the man’s offer?
The story, “Delphine and Rainelle,” poses the question: is a trip to Myrtle Beach enough to make up for infidelity? What about a new car? Is a family worth saving - at all costs?
Will the two women in “Joy Ruth and Minnie Hendrix” find more than a pre planned funeral over at Miller’s Funeral home? Perhaps even romance?
Newlyweds, “Wally and Bun,” are set for life as they fly off in a hot air balloon, leaving their friend, Murphy, to figure out where he stands with the girl he left behind many years ago.
“Eve and Marcus Welby” finds Eve searching for love in college classes given to her by her mother. But, is Eve somehow destined to have only her cats to love?
It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re working with turkeys, Stevie writes with his label maker, as he tries to win Macon over as they work together. Will Macon, in “Macon for Georgia,” give Stevie a chance and let the abusive LaRue go?
And, can only the young find the kind of love that makes your pulse race and your palms sweat? “Ezra” certainly offers hope for those who feel they may have missed the love boat.

Other books by Barbara A. Whittington include Vada Faith, a story of a surrogacy gone wrong/ complex relationships and solid family values - available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle edition. Check it out at


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