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Ringing in the year with a Freebie!


I'm ringing in the New Year by offering the Kindle version of my novel VADA FAITH for free Jan. 1-2 at Amazon. Remember if you don't have a kindle you can download a free reading app at Amazon and take advantage of the free books they offer daily. I've downloaded a bunch for reading in the coming weeks. LOVE free stuff, especially books!

 Barb at the Tamarack in Beckley, WV signing Vada Faith.

 From a recent promo -


Barbara, an award winning author, announces the publication of her first novel, VADA FAITH, set in the fictional town of Shady Creek, West Virginia. The story revolves around Vada Faith, young wife and mother, who signs on to be a surrogate mother to earn a downpayment for a big home in the fancy new subdivision of Crystal Springs. Unbeknownst to her, Roy and Dottie Kilgore, the childless couple are small time criminals.  Vada Faith nearly loses her own family as she pursues her dream to become somebody important and live in a big fancy house. Her sister Joy Ruth is behind her all the way - TELLING HER EVERYTHING SHE IS DOING WRONG. Vada Faith is available at
The author is available for interviews, book signings, and to talk about Vada Faith and her other work which has appeared in Women’s World, the Dispatch, the Plain Dealer, Christian Science Monitor & other places. One of her stories was produced by British Broadcasting Corp. 
Her book of short stories is now on Kindle at Amazon, titled Ezra and Other Stories.
Barbara is at work on a Vada Faith sequel, titled Sweet Baby James. 

PS I hope you'll forgive me for recycling my material. And photos. I've spent this afternoon learning how to download photos the "right" way as opposed to my copying and pasting which doesn't always work. Blessing to you and yours in the coming year.


  1. Love the photo–I can just imagine how wonderful it must have been to sign your book at such a beautiful place. Wish I could have been passing through that day. Wishing you a Happy New Year with lots of time for writing.!

  2. I'm so glad you learned to post pictures. It is easy. My problem with my blog now is that I've used up my 'free' amount of pictures that I can have.So unless I copy and paste, I can only post a very few more pictures on my blog. I guess I just need to stop being so cheap and pay for more space :o)

  3. I just went over to Amazon and put the book on my new Kindle Fire HD that Santa brought me! I'll get back with you ASAP! Thanks for the book!

  4. We have a nook. I would love to read your book. May be I will put in my wish list for our Holiday of Ramadan.

  5. Dear Barb. Thanks so much for stopping by the other day. I haven't forgotten you, or your wonderful stories that I told you I started--read the first one and like it very much. I will finish the collection. You have to be patient with me. You say you have health issues. I know about this with my daughter; that's my excuse for being so slow with reading, and writing. As you know, I LOVED Vada Faith, and am so excited to hear there will be a sequel. Do let me know when it's published!!

  6. p.s. I love this picture of you signing your book. I love to see "real" pictures of writers/bloggers. This is one glamorous picture!

  7. Thanks for all your lovely comments. Yes, still health problems robbing me of my writing time. Hopefully I'll get back on track now!
    Have a great week end everyone and enjoy each moment of every day.

  8. Hi Barb, I was so happy to see your comment on my blog, it's been a while! Your book sounds great, can't wait to read it. I hope you are well.

  9. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved Vada Faith! I want to read more of your work!

  10. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved Vada Faith! I want to read more of your work!


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