It's been so long since I've written a blog I'm not sure anyone will even come by. But if you do, know that I appreciate your reading. I was cleaning some files and found this Christmas poem I wrote years ago. So I'm recycling my work again. I love writing but have spent the last five months reading, reading, reading, hoping that by reading all sorts of different genres that my own writing will improve. I have to admit though when I get into a good/great story, I sink in and my writer self takes a leave of absence. I'm still working on the novel about Sweet Baby James, a baby abduction. Hoping I'm making the story stronger than any I've yet written. So here's my poem. Enjoy! Have a lovely beginning to your Christmas season and God Bless! THE RED CHRISTMAS CANE I was walking around on an old cane that year Grumping and complaining that the holidays were here. I looked out my window and as far as I could see There were lights, stars, and ang...
"All the characters who have housed my stories now have permanent apartments in my head - I still have tea with them." bw
Beautiful and guess what? I now have a sister gave me her original since she now has the Kindle Fire..I'm trying it out to see how I like and maybe I'll update to a better model. I'll get this book, I think I'll really like it. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm thrilled for you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new book! I'm reading all sorts of new things I never had the chance to read before because I have a Kindle!