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What are you reading?

Right now I'm reading several books that I would not ordinarily read. I'm taking advantage of the free books on Kindle.

I don't have a Kindle unit but downloaded for free the reading app to my laptop.

Every day I get the Pixel newsletter from Amazon which lists the free books for that day - and you can too! Let me know and I'll make sure you get it if you do not know how.

I glance through the offerings, somehow I cannot ignore good stories that are free. Many are stories I would not go to a book shop and pay for. I'm learning that I like all kinds of writing and stories. And I'm finding new authors to follow.

Right now I am reading Hippie Boy: A girl's Story. Very good. By Ingrid Ricks. Not a book I'd ordinarily buy. Free - I've learned to love it. Now, I'd even buy it!

I've also started PROMISE ME THIS by Cathy Gohlke, a story about characters on the Titanic. very good read.

I've downloaded but not read Leaving the Comfort Cafe by Dawn DeAnna Wilson and Muffin Man by Brad Whittington, because of his name.

Another story I downloaded, read and loved was by Ann Carbine Best, a blogging buddy, titled
Imprisoned: Svetlana Garetova's Memoir. A true story told by Ann. Beautifully written and very poignant. A great read for .99. It's a short story.

Kindle has opened so many doors to my reading world. Not only has it provided a home for my novel VADA FAITH but it's made available to me books I would not ordinarily know about. I've discovered a different kind of writing that I would not usually read. So thanks Amazon for that lovely gift!

I read recently for free Ghost Ala Mode by Sue Ann Jaffarian, another book I most likely would not have known about. Sue does the Granny Apple series of mysteries. A shorter novel but one I thoroughly enjoyed.

I've downloaded six or eight more books including one called Spying in High Heels and Riversong. Both look inviting. I'll let you know more as I start those.

Now, I always have something at hand to read which has never before happened in this reader's life.

I'd love to know what you are reading and if it's in book form or ebook form. I love that ebooks have provided us with another form of reading. I don't see it in competition with paperbacks or hardbacks but see it as an addition to them. 

I also do not think "real" books will be a thing of the  past. There will always be those of us who love to have the feel of a book in our hands as opposed to a cold hard piece of plastic.

What do you think about the new ebooks? Are you a fan or not? Which form of book do you like best? Most of all, please share with me the titles of what you are reading. And do you like non fiction or fiction best.  Of course, I like fiction best as I get tired of my own life and like to step into another from time to time.

And if you are a writer/reader as I am, let me know what you are reading as well as what you are writing. Blessings and thanks for stopping by.


  1. I enjoy different genres now, thanks to trying free or cheap books on my Kindle. It has opened up my reading pleasure.

  2. Right now I'm reading a book by Haywood Smith (author of The Red Hat Club books) called "Wife-in-Law," both funny and sad, from the library, still my favorite venue for books. There's something about the feel and smell of a real book. BUT . . . . I love my Kindle! It's great for traveling and like you, I've found lots of books for free or 99 cents. I've also read one of the Granny Apple Series, but like The Grey Whale Inn Mysteries better–author is Karen MacInerney. I got the second in the series, "Dead and Berried," for 99 cents, then went to the library for the first, "Murder on the Rocks." Love the characters and stories.

  3. Love the free books, too, although I don't mind spending $2.99 for a book that I find on Amazon. Kindle indeed has opened up a whole new world for the readers.

  4. Thank you so much for this info. I did not know that kindle books can be down loaded on computers.
    I hope that your book is doing good. I still have to finish "The Hunger Games."

  5. I just finished Anna Quindlen's Memoir, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake. Made me cry. Stirred up emotions. Love her writing. She writes everything--from politics to parenthood. Columnist in the NY Times and Newsweek. Author of six novels. She's probably my favorite!

    1. I love her too Pam. Usually they are emotional for me too. I'll have to check this one out. Love the title.
      Thanks for sharing this.

  6. I haven't stepped into the electronic book Wal-mart had Kindles for $79 and you also got a $30 gift card if you bought one...makes it $49..tempting! I just finished the Hunger Games series and I'm onto some "real" books a friend gave me..I'll have to look at the authors though. Have a great week!

  7. Sounds cool to get free books! How does that happen? I would be interested!

    I've never read a book electronically and wouldn't know how to go about it! I just bought an iPad, and I guess I can download books, but I don't know how yet!

    1. Just go to Amazon Kindle and download their reading app free to your laptop. It's easy.

  8. Barbara, I don't know how you find the time to read so many books and also do all the work on your writing. I don't have a kindle, either, but have down loaded books onto my computer. I also like 'free' books! What am I reading - don't laugh, but I just checked out three picture books by Jane Yolen.

  9. Yo, Ms. Whittington, hope you enjoy Muffin Man. If so, check out the Fred books ($2.99 on Amazon) about a preacher's kid growing up in East Texas.

    Brad Whittington


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