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Saying good bye to summer

The weather is cooperating and we've been able to get outside and put away all the things we enjoyed during the summer weather preparing for the season change.

 We threw out the bedraggled red begonias from the front porch and all the dried geraniums from the back deck. 

Our winters are often harsh so I'll clean and store our white wooden rockers in the basement til spring. A gift from our daughter, Lisa. I love rocking on the front porch when the weather is warm.

R has already stored our red metal chairs and table from the deck in his barn as well as the bigger table and chairs where we often have lunch - when I can get him off the lawn tractor!

I find comfort in putting to bed the items that bring me such joy in summer. I feel as though I'm wrapping them in a warm quilt to rest until beautiful weather when they'll claim their rightful place outdoors.

I put away the little green garden chair with the wreath and flowers - photo on my blog.

Even the pumpkins on the front step had to go yesterday as they were frozen and starting to rot! Is it that cold already???

Our fall leaves are at mid point in their descent. We have a few more to enjoy before the landscape turns barren and the trees will be dressed in ice crystals and glistening snow.

Other than a wreath on the front door covered in fall leaves, we'll be without decorations for a few weeks until it's time to bring out the sled for the front porch decked out with  pine and red bows.

Outside my door the world will be yawning, preparing for a long nap. On the inside, I'll fill the house with pumpkin and cinnamon scent, soothing music,  and be warm and cozy  in a snuggie as I work to do some winter creating. I'll write, sew, and dream of warm sunshiny days when I'll sit in the white rocker on the front porch and count the Cardinals in the front yard or watch the Bluebird family return to their house in the side yard tree.

I'm thankful for each season that Our Creator has generously provided.

Each one offers its own individual beauty. For now, I'm in a resting/ holding pattern and looking forward to the brisk days when our thoughts turn to the holidays and to getting together with family.

To you and yours, I wish a happy, healthy, and safe transition from fall into winter.


  1. November always is my "take a deep breath" month. It's the quiet before the crazy Christmas rush. I do enjoy the fall and all the great smells, crisp days and fireplace nights. Don't even get me started on my love of Thanksgiving! Stay warm and cozy!

  2. It's how I feel Yaya. I love this month. Something about it signals new beginnings.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Such a lovely reflective post - perfect for this month. You've made me feel warm and cozy and held reading this.

  4. You are so organized and ready. We've had a few days where I thought we were going to skip fall and go right into winter. I enjoy all the seasons, too. Each one has its own personality.


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