A popular story in Ezra and Other Stories is Hoot and Marla. Thought I'd share it with you here. Ezra and Other Stories includes eleven stories and is on sale now for .99 at www.amazon.com. Hoot and Marla Hoot and Marla are on their way to Niagara Falls. Hoot's sister, Betty Sue, has talked Hoot into letting her come. She has brought along her boyfriend, Nick. Hoot is driving the black Monte Carlo he bought last week for $800. Everyone is to chip in on the gas. "All-my-x's-live-in-Tex-as," Hoot sings along with the radio, "that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee!" He taps his hand on the steering wheel in time to the music. Hoot loves George Strait. Not as much as he loves Elvis though. Hoot is an Elvis Presley look alike. He's never traded on it or anything. But he can sing and play the guitar, too. Marla nearly dies when he sings, "Love